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What Is The Best Shade House For Orchids?

Views: 0     Author: Shijiazhuang Qibang Imp&Exp Co.,Ltd.     Publish Time: 2023-04-27      Origin: www.sjzqibang.com


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Orchids are beautiful and delicate plants that require specific growing conditions to thrive. One essential factor in successful orchid cultivation is providing the right amount of shade. Shade houses are a popular and effective way to regulate the amount of sunlight that reaches orchids, protecting them from damage caused by direct sun exposure.

However, with so many shade house options available, choosing the best one for your specific orchid species and growing conditions can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key factors to consider when selecting a shade house for your orchids, as well as recommended shade cloth percentages and maintenance tips to help you maximize your orchid growth and health.

orchid shade house

In this article, you will learn:

I.  Introduction Of Orchids And Importance Of Shade Houses   

2. Factors To Consider When Choosing Shade House For Orchids 

3. Recommended Shade Cloth Percentages For Orchids   

4. Types Of Shade Houses For Orchids    

5. Maintenance And Care Of Shade House For Orchids   

1. Introduction Of Orchids And Importance Of Shade Houses

  • Brief overview of orchids and their growing conditions

There are over 25,000 species of orchids, and they can be found in a wide range of environments, from tropical rainforests to temperate regions. 

Orchids have different growing requirements depending on their species and origin, but most orchids require warm and humid conditions with bright, indirect light. They also require a well-draining growing medium, good air circulation, and regular watering and fertilization.

Orchids are epiphytes, which means they grow on other plants, and as a result, they require a growing medium that allows for air circulation around their roots.

orchid cultivation

  • Importance of shade houses for orchid cultivation

Shade houses are important for orchid cultivation because they provide the necessary conditions for growing orchids. Shade houses protect orchids from direct sunlight, which can be too intense and cause damage to delicate leaves and blooms. Also, shade houses help maintain the humidity and temperature levels that orchids require. By controlling these factors, shade houses allow orchids to thrive and produce beautiful, healthy blooms.

Shade houses also allow for better control over the growing conditions for orchids. This is particularly important for growers who are looking to cultivate orchids in regions with less-than-ideal weather conditions. By providing a protected environment for orchids, shade houses allow growers to create the optimal conditions for orchid growth and flowering.

In addition to these benefits, shade houses can also be used to protect orchids from pests and diseases. By creating a barrier between the orchids and the surrounding environment, shade houses can prevent pests and diseases from attacking the plants, leading to healthier and more productive orchid crops.

2. Factors To Consider When Choosing Shade House For Orchids

Choosing the right shade house for orchids is crucial to ensure the health and growth of the plants. Several factors must be considered when selecting a shade house, including the type of shade cloth used, ventilation and air circulation, space, and accessibility for maintenance.

  • Type of shade cloth

When selecting a shade house for orchids, it's important to consider the type of shade cloth that will be used. The density of the shade cloth can impact the amount of light and heat that reaches the orchids, which can impact their growth and development. 

Some orchid species require more shade than others, so it's important to choose a shade fabric that provides the appropriate level of shading for the specific species being grown. 

Additionally, different types of orchid shade cloth may have varying levels of durability, so it's important to choose a shade cloth that can withstand the climate and conditions in which the orchids are being grown.

orchid plantation

  • Ventilation and air circulation

Good ventilation and air circulation are crucial for orchid growth and development. Without adequate ventilation, the orchids can become overheated, leading to stress and potential damage. Additionally, poor air circulation can lead to the buildup of moisture, which can promote the growth of mold and other harmful organisms. 

When selecting a shade house, it's important to ensure that it has sufficient ventilation and air circulation to allow for proper air exchange and prevent the buildup of moisture.

  • Space and maintenance

The size and layout of the shade house are also important factors to consider when selecting a shade house for orchids. 

The shade house should provide adequate space for the orchids to grow and should be easily accessible for maintenance and care. A shade house that is too small can lead to overcrowding, which can impact the air circulation and make it difficult to access the orchids for care and maintenance. 

Additionally, the shade house should be easy to maintain, with features such as removable shade cloth and accessible water and fertilizer systems.

3. Recommended Shade Cloth Percentages For Orchids

Shade cloth is an essential component of a shade house for orchids. It provides protection from direct sunlight and helps to maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity levels required for healthy orchid growth. However, choosing the right shade fabric can be overwhelming, as there are many different types and percentages available.

50 shade net

green shade net

orchid shade cloth

orchid shade netting

           50% shade cloth                  60% shade cloth                        70% shade cloth                  80% shade cloth

  • Suitable shade cloth percentages for orchids

When selecting a shade cloth for orchids, it's important to choose a high-quality material that is durable and resistant to weathering. Some suitable shade cloth for orchids include:

50% Shade Cloth: This shade cloth allows for 50% of the sunlight to pass through, providing moderate shade. It is suitable for orchids that require moderate shading, such as Cattleyas and Vandas.

70% Shade Cloth: This shade cloth allows for 30% of the sunlight to pass through, providing more shade than a 50% shade cloth. It is suitable for orchids that require more shading, such as Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilums.

80% Shade Cloth: This shade cloth allows for 20% of the sunlight to pass through, providing high levels of shading. It is suitable for orchids that require high levels of shading, such as Masdevallias and Pleurothallids.

  • Impact of shade on orchid growth and health

The amount of shade provided by the shade cloth can have a significant impact on the growth and health of orchids. Too much shade can lead to stunted growth and poor flowering, while too little shade can cause sunburn and damage to the leaves and blooms. It's important to choose a shade cloth that provides the appropriate amount of shading for the specific orchid species being grown.

  • Examples of orchid species and their shading requirements

Different orchid species have different shading requirements. Here are some examples of orchid species and the percentage of shading that they require:

Cattleyas 40-60% shading
Phalaenopsis 60-80% shading
Vandas 40-50% shading
Paphiopedilums 50-70% shading
Masdevallias 70-80% shading
Pleurothallids 70-80% shading

It's important to note that these shading requirements can vary depending on the specific cultivar and growing conditions.

4. Types Of Shade Houses For Orchids

Shade Houses types

When it comes to selecting the best shade house for orchids, there are several options available. The type of shade house you choose will depend on several factors, including your budget, the size of your orchid collection, and the environmental conditions of your location.

  • Traditional greenhouse structures

Greenhouses are the most commonly used type of shade house for orchids. They provide a controlled environment that is ideal for orchid cultivation because they allow for precise temperature, humidity, and light regulation. Greenhouses come in a variety of sizes and materials, including glass, polycarbonate, and acrylic panels.

Glass greenhouses are the most expensive but also the most durable and provide excellent light transmission. Polycarbonate greenhouses are less expensive and lighter than glass, but they may need to be replaced more frequently. Acrylic panels are also an option, providing similar light transmission to glass but with increased durability.

While traditional greenhouses are the ideal environment for orchids, they can be expensive to build and maintain. In addition, they require a significant amount of space and may not be practical for hobbyists or growers with limited space.

  • Polyethylene shade houses

Polyethylene shade houses are affordable and easy to install, making them a popular choice for hobbyists and growers with limited space. They are made of polyethylene sheeting that is stretched over a frame to provide shade and protection for the plants.

Polyethylene shade houses come in different shapes and sizes and are available in both standard and custom designs. They are also lightweight and easy to move around if needed. However, they may not be as durable as other shade house types and may require more maintenance.

  • Screen houses

Screen houses are similar to polyethylene shade houses, but they have screens instead of plastic sheeting. This allows for better air circulation and more natural light to pass through, making them an ideal environment for orchids. Screen houses are available in both standard and custom designs and are typically less expensive than traditional greenhouses.

However, screen houses may not be suitable for growers in areas with high winds or frequent rainfall, as they do not provide as much protection from the elements as other shade house types.

  • Shade cloth structures

Shade cloth structure

Shade cloth structures are the simplest and most affordable type of shade house for orchids. They are made of a metal frame that supports a shade cloth that provides protection from the sun's harmful rays. Shade cloth structures are available in various sizes and can be customized to fit the grower's needs.

While shade cloth structures are an affordable and straightforward option, they may not provide as much protection from environmental factors such as wind and rain. In addition, they may require more frequent replacement of the shade cloth.

5. Maintenance And Care Of Shade House For Orchids

Maintaining a shade house for orchids is essential for the plant's health and growth. Proper maintenance ensures that the environment remains optimal for orchid cultivation, and the plants are protected from pests and diseases.

  • Cleaning and maintenance of shade cloth

The shade cloth is a critical component of a shade house for orchids and needs to be maintained regularly. Dirt, debris, and plant material can accumulate on the shade cloth, reducing its effectiveness at regulating light and heat. Regular cleaning of the shade cloth will help to prevent the buildup of dirt and debris and ensure that the orchids receive the appropriate amount of light and heat.

Cleaning the shade cloth is relatively easy and can be done using a pressure washer or a hose with a high-pressure nozzle. It is recommended to clean the shade cloth at least once a year or more frequently if the environment is dusty or prone to debris accumulation.

  • Pest and disease prevention and control

Pests and diseases can be a significant problem in a shade house for orchids, and preventing their infestation is critical. Regular inspection of the plants is necessary to identify any pests or diseases early on and prevent their spread.

Common orchid pests include spider mites, mealybugs, thrips, and aphids. These pests can be controlled using insecticidal soaps or oils, but it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Fungal and bacterial diseases can also affect orchids and can be prevented by maintaining proper humidity levels, watering the plants carefully, and avoiding over-fertilization.

Shade House For Orchids

  • Temperature and humidity regulation

Regulating the temperature and humidity in a shade house for orchids is critical to their growth and health. The temperature should be kept between 60-80°F during the day and between 55-65°F at night. Humidity levels should be kept between 50-70% to prevent the orchids from drying out.

The use of fans and ventilation systems is critical to maintaining the proper temperature and humidity levels in a shade house for orchids. The fans help to circulate air and prevent the buildup of heat and moisture, while ventilation systems allow fresh air to circulate, preventing the buildup of harmful gases.

  • Watering and fertilization

Orchids require specific watering and fertilization practices to grow and thrive. Overwatering or under-watering can be detrimental to the plants, leading to root rot or dehydration. Orchids should be watered when the potting mix feels dry to the touch, and the water should be allowed to drain thoroughly to prevent waterlogging.

Fertilization should be done sparingly, as orchids are sensitive to excess fertilizer. It is recommended to fertilize orchids every two weeks using a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength. Over-fertilization can lead to leaf burn and other problems, so it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.


Choosing the best shade house for orchids requires careful consideration of several factors, including light requirements, temperature and humidity control, ventilation and air circulation, and space and layout considerations. Proper maintenance and care of the shade house, including cleaning and maintenance of the shade cloth, pest and disease prevention and control, temperature and humidity regulation, and watering and fertilization practices, are critical to the success of orchid cultivation.

Based on the information presented, a shade cloth structure is a simple and affordable option for orchid growers, while traditional greenhouses provide the most ideal environment but require more significant investment. Ultimately, the type of shade house that works best for your orchids will depend on your specific needs and circumstances.

If you are in need of a shade cloth for your orchid shade house, please contact Shijiazhuang Qibang. They specialize in providing high-quality shade cloth solutions for a variety of applications, including orchid cultivation. With their expertise and quality products, you can create the perfect growing environment for your orchids.

As a leading manufacturer and supplier in the plastic netting industry, we have 20 years of production experience, advanced production equipment, first-class technology and perfect quality control system.



 Shijiazhuang Qibang Imp&Exp Co.,Ltd.